I usually make a trip once a week to Appleton to shop at CVS. Sometimes I dread the 20 min drive there and back but then I get home and see my bag of goodies and know it was totally worth it.
Look what I walked away with this evening for $3.52 out of pocket!!
How you ask: I often have several transactions when shopping at CVS or Walgreen's which are stores that offer ECB's (Extra Care Bucks) or RR's (Register Rewards). For those of you who are unfamiliar with ECB's & RR's this is money the store gives you back for purchasing a product except it's not in the form of cash. It's a piece of paper the register prints out and is like a store credit and they are usually valid for about 2 weeks after your purchase.
I had two transactions last night:
Transaction #1
Gillette Fusion Power Glide Shaver $9.79 (get $5 in ECB's w/purchase)
Used $4/1 coupon from the 8/1 P&G insert
(price of shaver after coupon & ECB is ONLY $0.79 What a steal!)
I also used $2.98 in ECB's from a previous week towards this purchase
$9.79 - $4.00 coupon - $2.98 ECB = $2.81 plus tax
I paid $3.30 out of pocket and received a $5 ECB back for purchasing the shaver
Transaction #2
(2) Dove Milk Chocolate Bars 2/$1
Used $0.50/2 coupon CVS's Red Box printed
$0.25/each after coupon
(2) Dawn Ultra $0.97/each
Used (2) $0.25/1 coupons from 8/1 P&G Sunday Newspaper Coupon Insert
$0.72/each after coupon
(1) Dawn Hand Renewal $0.97
Used $1/1 coupon I received from P&G via mail
*Money Maker* -$0.03 after coupon
(3) Clean & Clear Deep Action Cream Cleanser (Travel Size) $0.99/each
Used (2) $1/1 online printable coupon (no longer available)
Used (1) $1/1 from 8/1 P&G Sunday Newspaper Coupon Insert
Note: These specific coupons did NOT say 'Excludes Travel Size' which is why I was able to use them on the Travel Size
*Money Maker* -$0.03 after coupons
CVS Baby Wipes $1.99
Used $1/1 coupon CVS's Red Box printed
$0.99 after coupon
Dentyne Pure Gum $1.29
Used $1/1 coupon received by mail via a FB promotion Dentyne was having
$0.29 after coupon
Total $10.16 (before coupons)
-$ 7.00 (coupons)
$ 3.16 Total
I wanted to use my $5 ECB from the previous transaction to pay for this order so I needed to come up with an additional $1.84 or so. I grabbed 3 pkgs of M&M's for the kids at $0.50/each.
$3.16 + $1.50 = $4.66 plus tax came to $5.22 used my $5 ECB from my 1st transaction and paid $0.22 out of pocket :)
I also wanted to take advantage of the SoBe Drink deal they have going on right now which is B1G1 (Buy One Get One). I have (4) B1G1 coupons that I won off of www.sobe.com Head or Tails Game that you can play daily (no game piece needed). CVS's coupon policy says that you CAN use a B1G1 coupon on a item that is advertised as B1G1. I wanted to get 8 SoBe's for FREE after CVS's sale and my coupons BUT the shelves were wiped clean of SoBe :(
WOW! You are amazing!