First, let me start off with the obvious - I LOVE coupons! I wasn't planning on doing any shopping today..okay maybe that's a slight lie. I've been staring at my coupon box and the Pick N Save ad for 2 days now trying to see if I need anything or can get an unbelievable price on something with double coupons. I'm not quite at the $25 min purchase so I may or may not make it there today. Let me get back on track here, we decided last night that we'd make black bean burgers for dinner tonight. Only thing we needed to do was pick up a package of buns. I decided to run to Walmart for those and while I was there I'd use a small handful of coupons I had. And since I was on that side of town I decided to hit Walgreen's for several FREE items!
Walmart Shopping Trip - 89% Savings!!
(3) 4pks Rayovac AA Batteries $0.97/each
used (1) $1/1
printable FB coupon (no longer available but they offer them quite often) and (1) $1/2 coupon from 6/5 Smart Source newspaper insert
Final Cost: $0.91 or $0.30/each
Gillette Proglide Razor $3.00 (from the travel size isle - this is the same as a regular one that cost $8 plus but it doesn't come with the spare blade)
used $4/1 coupon from 6/5 P&G newspaper insert
Final Cost: MONEY MAKER of $1.00
(2) Hot Wheels $1.07/each
used (2) $1/1 printable Target coupons found
HERE (This should still be available but I printed this coupon yesterday - it has a print limit of 2 which I took advantage of but since I used up my prints I can no longer 'see' the coupon. Also note that this one prints as a 'Manufacturer Coupon Valid at Target Only' and that as long as it says 'manufacturer' on it Walmart will accept it)
Final Cost: $0.14 or $0.07/each
(2) pkgs King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls $0.98/each
used (2) $1/1 coupons I received via email from King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls
Final Cost: MONEY MAKER of $0.04
1 pkg Great Value Hamburger Buns $1.25
Final Cost: $1.25
Retail Cost: $11.25
Final Cost after coupons: $1.26 before tax = 89% SAVINGS!!
Walgreen's Shopping Trip - 96% Savings!!
(2) Tylenol Precise Pain Relieving Creams $7.99/each
used $3/1 coupon from Walgreen's July Savings Book that took off $3 for each (these books are located in stores valid from June 26th-July 30th) and stacked it with (2) $5/1 printable coupons available
HEREFinal Cost: MONEY MAKER of $0.02
(2) 16ct pkgs of Carefree $1.99/each
used $3/2 coupon from Walgreen's July Savings Book and stacked it with (2) $0.50/1 coupons from 6/26 Smart Source newspaper
Final Cost: MONEY MAKER of $0.02
(2) Degree Women Travel Size Deodorants $0.99/each
used (2) $1/1 printable that had no size restrictions (no longer available)
Final Cost: MONEY MAKER of $0.02
Degree Men Travel Size Deodorant $0.99
used $1/1 printable that had no size restrictions (no longer available)
Final Cost: MONEY MAKER of $0.01
Dial NutriSkin Lotion Travel Size $0.99
used $1/1 printable that had no size restrictions available
HERE (This specific coupon 'beeped' when being scanned - the register did not want to allow the overage and I kindly asked the cashier to mark the coupon down to $0.99 (which Walgreen's coupon policy states they WILL/CAN do) and she did!
Final Cost: FREE
(3) Vande Walles Caramels 3/$0.99
NOT pictured as they were consumed on the way home :)I have to purchase these as a 'filler' item. Walgreen's coupon policy states you can stack store and manufacturer coupons BUT you must purchase an item for every coupon you use. My purchase today prior to these candies was 8 items with 10 coupons. I needed at least 2 cheap filler items to allow myself to use all 10 coupons. These are cheap and easy to grab since they are located right next to the registers.
Final Cost: $0.99
Retail Cost: $24.92
Final Cost after coupons: $0.93 before tax = 96% SAVINGS!!
AND, the mail carrier had LOTS of goodies for me today! All 3 of these items were FREE offers that I've found on Facebook and advertised by other coupon savvy people I follow on FB. So when you see me post a link about a FREE item just follow the link - it's NO joke!!

- 20ct Bayer Advanced Aspirin
- Swiffer 360' Duster
- 8.4oz can Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Pomegranate Blueberry Juice and $1/1 4pk of Ocean Spray Sparkling beverages
Happy shopping and let me know if you come across a great deal!!